Omnibus Design luxury furnishings
>>>> Casa
Creating custom-made products for his clients, he collaborates with accomplished designers and architects. Over the years, Sergio has constantly reinvented his design, experimenting with different materials while preserving the quality and beauty of the made-in-Italy.
Videosorveglianza Pinerolo
Computer/Internet/ >>>> Webcam
Come rafforzare la risposta allaPANDEMIA con le SOLUZIONI in Videosorveglianza.
Il videocontrollo offre uno strumento efficace per garantire il distanziamento, ridurre al minimo il sovraffollamento, prevenire e rilevare il contagio durante il Covid-19 e in futuro.
Sistemi di allarme, antifurto, videocitofono
in domotica o smart home
offrono un valore aggiunto all'impianto.
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